News Australia


Australia is among the ten countries – Economic Leaders'




Australia is among the top ten countries, financial position which has been one of the most stable, in a crisis,as evidenced by numerous macro-economic data.

in particular, unexpectedly declined in June, the country's trade deficit. So, He declined to 441 млн. австралийских долларов ($372 million) with 73MillionнAustralian dollarsв, recorded in May s.g.

The data obtained were a pleasant surprise for analysts, waiting for a negative trade balance of country-level 800 Million. Australian dollars.

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Agriculture and Livestock Australia

With 1795, when the first white settlers moved for partial self-sufficiency in basic foodstuffs, until the end of World War II was agriculture, and especially the sheep, was the foundation of the Australian economy. Although the development of industry, agriculture lost its leading position, the industry still lies at the heart of the country's wealth.

The expression "Australia rides on the sheep" justify himself for a hundred years - from 1820 up to about 1920. Using imported into 1797 from Cape of Good Hope, several Spanish Merino, as well as other, imported from England a little later, John MacArthur and his wife Elizabeth by careful breeding brought a new breed - Australian merino.

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Horticulture and grains Australia

Cultivation of crops is limited mainly eastern and south-eastern peripheral regions of Australia, less developed in the south-west Western Australia and in Tasmania.

After 1950, when it was planted 8 млн. га, there was a significant increase in acreage, up to a record-urovhectare 22 млн. ha 1984. Subsequently, the adverse climatic and economic factors have reduced the acreage to 17 млн. га , but then again began to grow - up to 19,4 млн. hectare per year.hectareMillion

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