
Australia during the Second World War




During World War II, Australia joined forces with the UK. Australians participated in the defense of Africa and in the air 'Battle of Britain'. After the defeat of the British-Australian-novozelanskih troops in Greece and Crete in 1941 Australians began to demand greater autonomy of its contingent and refrain from participating in risky operations. So, at the critical moment of defense of Tobruk Australian troops were evacuated from the city.

After the entry of Japan into the war and the surrender of the British-Australian troops in Singapore, Australia, the situation became critical. Britain could not support it.

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Laid the foundation of "social state"

After the death in July D.Kertina 1945 Labour government headed D.Chifli, who announced the reforms. Laid the foundation of the "social state", related to the development of social security and public health.

In a referendum 1946 approved an amendment to the constitution, on the basis of which started in the payment of benefits to disabled, older people, young mothers, unemployed, widows, orphans and families with many children.

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In 1966,. Australian pound was replaced by the Australian dollar

Most of the residents are living in state capitals, nearly half - around Sydney and Melbourne. The influx of people to cities has not led to a general urban life, even the urban population. With the growth of living standards of Australians obzavodilis own houses and cars.

Most residents chose to live in suburbs, Overcoming long distances every day to preserve the familiar seclusion and slowness. Semi-rural with a lifestyle created Australia's reputation "prolonged weekend». But with 50 's idea of well-being

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