
Aboriginal suicide


The Australian Government takes immediate action to eliminate the increasing suicide rate among young Aboriginal.



In the state Western Australia, in the region Кимберли (Kimberley) a sharp increase in the number of suicides among Aboriginal, an average of one per week himself on.

Australian government set up a special government program, which provides funding for the provision of psychological support, education and training Aboriginal.
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Black swan

Black swan ( Cygnus atratus) - The bird kind of swans, family of ducks, roams across Australia and the island Tasmania.

Black swan, Unlike many water birds and other species of swans is not a migratory bird and lives in shallow ponds with fresh water, and outside the mating season can be found near the shores of rivers.

Despite the fact that a black swan is not a migratory bird, Nevertheless, he is very mobile and even small disturbances in his usual habitation, could push him to change the seat, However, new location is usually located within 100 km from the old. Black Swans spend their entire lives in the same general region where they were born and grew up, responsive to changes in water level, and in dry years, a lot of swans collected on the coasts of Australia.

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Koala or koala

Koala or koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) - The only kind of a family of koalas, koala lives in eastern Australia.
Koala - the small beast of a dense body, body length of 60-82 cm, weight from 5 before 16 kg. The tail is very short koalas, invisible from the outside, Head large and broad, large ears, eyes are small. The coat is dense and soft koala, on the back color changes from light gray to dark gray, sometimes reddish or reddish, belly lighter.

Size and color depends on koala habitat, both koalas Victoria larger, they have a thick fur is dark gray, often with a brownish tinge on the back. In tropical and subtropical Квинсленде koalas are much smaller and lighter, fur they have fewer and shorter.
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