Resort city of Cairns and the descendants of Aboriginal Australia

1 Февраль, 2013


Dokumentalnyj film o gorode Кэрнс, movie posvjashhen aborigenam   Avstralii and their potomkam.
Aborigeny Avstralii, as schitajut uchenye, pojavilis Na Po mere krajne kontinente 50 000 years rearwards.

Drevnie aborigeny lived in kontakte neposredstvennom with wilderness, vernee, they themselves is of estestvennogo world, popular zhivotnye, plants, and they were a single entity, how changed the views of Aboriginal descendants you will learn with this documentary.

Aborigines found many simple joys in everyday life, that helped them create a good mood and generally cheerful temper. The joy of being was reflected in Aboriginal music and dance, called corroboree, which were not usually associated with any rites and therefore were not constrained by the scope of the ritual. Today's aborigines just find many simple joys in everyday life.

Music for corroboree, and for the rituals performed by simple means, so in some tribes fought off a simple rhythm alternating strokes on the thighs, in others the blows of sticks on the ground, Sometimes tapping the two boomerangs. Bunches of eucalyptus leaves on the ankles and arms mimicked rustling emu feathers.



The most characteristic sounds monotonous lamentations were themselves Aboriginal and sounds, published "dideridu"-long tube made of bamboo or eucalyptus. The pipe served as a sort of mouthpiece, amplifying the sound of voices.

These days everyone tourist can join to Aboriginal dances and songs, and even play the national instrument of the Australian Aborigines – dideridu.

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