Страны, которые по-прежнему предлагают австралийцам дешевый отпуск, Part 2

20 Март, 2015


Vietnam Viet Nam continues to offer recreation for Australian travellers, but you need to hurry. Photo: Getty Images.

Viet Nam

Viet Nam has become increasingly popular among Australians, as a place of rest, but prices in the country not yet correspond to its popularity, Although the Australian dollar and slightly decreased in relation to the Don.

«I'd say, that Vietnam is the best travel destination for Australians at the moment. You can get a good price on flights and luxury hotel with packages, as well as excellent food, shopping, excursions and activities on still more than reasonable prices. You can for example order three dishes with drinks for two people for just about $ 10″, said Gorman.

Southeast Asia

The Australian dollar is down just a few cents against the currencies of countries, Australia's favourite holiday destinations, Thailand and Bali. However, As these destinations have been popular for quite some time, They can be relatively expensive. «Consider traveling to such countries, as Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos or even Myanmar. Southeast Asia is much more, than only Thailand and Bali, There's so many beautiful beaches and so much history and culture, to pursue their studies», He advises.

Greece, Italy and Spain

Mallorca There has never been a better time, to rest on the exclusive island of Majorca. Photo: Getty Images



Europe is still available with many options, You can also save money on flights and hotels, As the Australian dollar has slightly increased its strength against the euro.

«You've always dreamed of this wine and food on a tour of Tuscany? Well, So now, Of course, this is the right time, to go there», Gorman says.

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