Лучшие места для семейного отдыха в Австралии: Australian Capital Territory (ACT), ч.8
28 December, 2014
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Canberra is a place, where are some of the most interesting museums in the country, and this is a great place for a family holiday in the cognitive for at least several days.
Https Kvestakon://www.questacon.edu.au/is a national science and technology centre, and a great place for kids, in which you can get an idea of, how scientific personnel work. Thanks to a specialized mini area for toddlers and young children, as well as exhibits, How to play music using light rays, from which receive a great pleasure for older kids, and many other, a visit to the center will be a very interesting event for families.
National War Memorial is a constantly developing Museum, dedicated to the participation of Australia in the conflicts, Since the colonial era, until the current battles. You may even find it, his family's military history. There is a special area Discovery «Discovery Zone» https://www.awm.gov.au/education/schools/discovery-zone/, which enables children of all ages to explore the history of wars ranging from WW1 Trench Warfare, submarine, participating in the second world, and before the enemy helicopter in Vietnam.
Take a tour of the Australian Institute of sport http://www.ausport.gov.au/visit/tours you will see exactly what, what you need, to become an athlete. You can even see the process of training some of the best athletes in the country.
Older kids will enjoy a Mint http://www.ramint.gov.au/visit/, where they can make their own dollar coin, a trip to the houses of Parliament will be particularly interesting during the meeting.
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