‘Автопутешествия по Австралии’
Автопробег по бездорожью: дешевый отпуск, о котором австралийцы забывают: Hotel Murray, ч4
Another thing, that is truly remarkable in that part of the world – This is a terrific game of light and color in the sunset. Sitting around a campfire and watching, how Read the rest of this entry »
This is also interesting:
Автопробег по бездорожью: дешевый отпуск, о котором австралийцы забывают: отель Мангеранни и станция Клейтон , ч3
As soon as we prospalis after the huge amounts of alcohol, consumed at Birdsvill after races, It's time to climb further. Read the rest of this entry »
Автопробег по бездорожью: дешевый отпуск, о котором австралийцы забывают: конная гонка Бирдсвилль, ч2
Admittedly, This uneasy rest, and there are a few requirements, to travel along this route. You must have a reliable car, that can cope with the terrain, Read the rest of this entry »