‘Автопутешествия по Австралии’

Секретный город с одними из лучших условий проживания в стране




Номер в отеле Narrows Escape Rainforest Retreat.

Room at the Narrows Escape Rainforest Retreat - looks fine!

An Australian town with a big secret is a tiny town, which few have even heard of, and yet it's he's been called a place, that   like most Australians. Read the rest of this entry »

This is also interesting:



Австралийский город с большим секретом

Вид на дома в Монтвилл, Квинсленд

Look for houses in Montvill, Квинсленд

On this tiny little town who heard outside of Queensland, still, he was named the place with the best reputation online for properties in Australia. Read the rest of this entry »

Jervis Bay – most unappreciated paradise in Australia, Part 3

На кого смотрит Ру?  Фото: Кейт Шнайдер

Jervis Bay is also a naval base of the Royal Australian NAVY Creswell / Creswell, and all the surrounding water area of the seabed is dotted with ships, After the sunken shipwrecks, including such, as Korangamit, Hajv and Merimbule. Read the rest of this entry »

Documentary films about Australia:
  • Victoria: Victoria (Victory) - State of the south-eastern Australia, most m..
  • River Dajamantina: Dajamantina (Diamantina River) - River,which flows through the territory ...
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