‘Автопутешествия по Австралии’

Почему Джервис Бей является идеальным местом для отдыха в Австралии


Jervis Bay - Paradise on Earth. Photo: Kate Schneider

In Jervis Bay there are no crowds




After a lot of people, crowding the streets of Sydney, You'll be amazed at their almost total lack of, Once you arrive at Jervis Bay. Read the rest of this entry »

This is also interesting:



Jervis Bay – самый недооцененный австралийский рай

Хьямс Бич /  Hyams Beach.

Hello, Hjams Beach. Photo: Kate Schneider

Are you bored with the glitter of Gold Coast, already visited Hamilton Island, bored in Bali and Byron Bay?

You are so not alone.

But do not be afraid, in Australia there are many amazing places to visit so , you do not need many hours of iznyvanie in hell, which resorts are mostly in economy class. Read the rest of this entry »

Из Брума в Кунунурра за 14 дней – Гиббс Ривер роуд (альтернативный маршрут), Part 4

Речная пристань Драйздейл

River Marina Drajzdejl

ДЕНЬ 7 – Дикий кемпинг Морнингтон – Гора Элизабет Стейшн

Stop at the lowest point of the Gorge Galvana, Manning Gorge or one of many other places stops on the way to mount Elizabeth Station. Read the rest of this entry »

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