What to buy a tourist in Australia?

4 June, 2013


This question bothers many tourists first came to Australia. What you can buy a souvenir of this amazing country for themselves and their relatives, friends and colleagues. Of course we are not talking about the standard, which can be purchased from the comfort of the airport building: T-shirts, Baseball Caps, magnets on the fridge, cards, etc..

Before buying in Australia different trinkets worth remembering, that almost any of them can be easily purchased in Russia. So if you are in Australia, the purchase makes sense really worthwhile things, that cannot be purchased anywhere else, except in this country.



One of the best souvenirs, purchased in Australia are considered Wool Merino sheep local producers. They not only remind you of the country, but will stand long and useful for health service.

It is also very valuable acquisition will Coogee - sweaters and dresses, by Australian aborigines of colorful threads. Their is something you just can't buy anywhere, except in Australia. Also very worthy acquisition are considered paintings, woven fabrics of Aboriginal or various local musical instruments such as the didgeridoo or bull-roaredy. However, didgeridoo pretty roads and according to seasoned travelers could very well be a fake from China, so be careful, making such purchases. Buying a musical instrument, Remember to be sure to buy at least a couple of CDs with music of Aboriginal.
Another sure version souvenir of Australia is of course Boomerang.
Very popular, especially among the female audience local ugg boots is very convenient and practical shoes that we wrote in detail in this article: «Ugg boots - fashion shoes from Australia«.
Not many people know, that Australia produces around 90 % of the world's opals. Jewelry made of this precious stone, such as earrings, pendants and rings and cheaper crafts, are always in demand. However, as well as the much more expensive luxury diamonds and pink diamonds.
Also very popular souvenir from Australia are the traditional local cowboys, racy, leather hats "Digger hat" and Akubra.

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