Ecotourism on the Green continent

1 Сентябрь, 2015


Голубые Горы
Country-continent, the unique prirodno-climatic zone, the mystical traditions of the local Aboriginal people, all these definitions belong to Australia.

The Government makes all, to preserve the pristine beauty of the natural resources in national parks and nature reserves, through the active promotion of a culture of leisure in nature and with nature.

There are more 500 national parks, Fifteen of which made it to the list of world heritage values. In Australia, connected mountain snow peaks and salt lakes, waterfalls and hills, giant plants and turquoise sea, hundreds of species of animals and hundreds of bright birds, fish and other flora and fauna. In Australia all unique: Earth, water, and air. It is all described, Australia in the top three among countries for ecological tourism.

Possibly Australia stands out about two weeks of continuous study of nature. Next, let's list a few attractions, to understand the greatness of the country in natural terms.



Blue Mountains – a unique natural reserve, that looks exactly like the 1000 years ago. The name is due to growing in the mountains of eucalyptus forests, over which, If you watch from afar, sgustilos cloud of eucalyptus oil. And what kind of opens with lookouts!
The Great Barrier Reef – It is the world's largest reef system, consisting of living organisms and separated from the Mainland by a deep blue lagoon.

The City Of Cairns, in the heart of the Tropical North, is the main tourist center of the region. Here beaches extend for 25 kilometers along the coast. This is where it is worth going with warm sea and water sports. And in these parts grow giant tropical plants, For example, Ferns, the same, that inhabit houses the majority of townspeople. They cleanse and moisturize the air it in dry weather.
Национальный Парк Какаду
Kakadu National Park is the wetlands, covered with extensive mangrove forests, and yet there are many animals and a huge area of rock art, made by Aboriginal people for 50 thousands of years. It is thanks to the latest, Australia is on the list of countries, where found many artifacts of human origins and its evolution.

Eco-tourism also suggests visiting Aboriginal villages, where you can see their way of life and traditions, that carefully preserved to this day.
Kangaroo Island is famous not only for the presence of the Kangaroo, whose types are not considered, and there are also sea lions, Navy seals and koalas, penguins and echidnas. Particularly protected by ecologists and is one of the cleanest natural parks on Earth.


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