So here you have the best coffee in Australia?

12 Июнь, 2015


Barista Sienna Wells and Charles Cameron in the henhouse» (Cafe Single Origin Roasters) in Surry Hills, Sydney, New South Wales.

Coffee has become an obsession for Australians. We analyze foam, consider coffee beans and criticize milk. The very first question most Australians abroad usually sounds like this: «Where can I order a good coffee?»

Popular site reviews, Yelp, which goes about 142 Million. visitors every month, analyzed his data, in order to find the most popular cafes, where to order the best coffee in Australia.

As a result, the site gave a list of 100 best coffee places in New South Wales, Victoria, Квинсленде, Western Australia and South Australia (unfortunately Yelp respondents from Tasmania, The ACT and the Northern Territory were not active enough, therefore, these states were not included in the list, so sorry.) Also found, that the most popular type of coffee in Australia is a latte, in second place – espresso and then in popularity is flat white (flat white).

Here are the top 10 spots for each of Australia's listed states, where you can order an excellent hot drink. Do you agree with this list?? As in your opinion, are these places the best coffee establishments?

New South Wales



1. Cafe "Kuryatnik" / Single Origin Roasters, Serry Hills

«From food, I should try banana bread with ghee and espresso. And it made me smile really big.», says one of the respondents. «The crust was crispy., a middle soft and airy. Espresso was unique – I really tasted real espresso!»

2. "Near Espresso" (Circa Espresso), Parramatta
3. "Society Cook" (Social Brew), Pyrmont

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