Kakadu National Park: большой секрет заднего двора Австралии
13 Май, 2017
After the release of on cinema screens in more than 30 years ago the film Crocodile Dandy with Paul Hogan, at that time, many of the fans interested in this travel "backyard" of Australia.
However, if fast rewind the time forward to the present day, the Kakadu National Park – the largest national park in Australia, which is also the birthplace of one of the oldest rock art in the world – still remains a place with not fully disclosed secrets.
This is the land of waterfalls and endless natural lakes and boggy lowlands, home to millions of migratory birds. Это место, where you can find crocodiles in their natural habitat Wednesday and even stay overnight in the eponymous Mercury Cockatoo Crocodile hotel ( kakadutourism.com ) in Jabiru, that is one of the most adorable handmade icons of the Northern Territory.
And, Finally, as it seems especially lately, Australians have wakes up interest in the wealth of this great backyard and open for yourself the cockatoo. Richard Mcarthur, Mercury ceo Cockatoo Crocodile hotel, now that they are experiencing the biggest rise in attendance over the past hotels 12 Months, that happens by visitors in the domestic market.
"Last year, we have seen far fewer tourists, due to the fact, What is the average rainfall in the rainy season, as I believe, created an increase in confidence in relation to accessibility ", he says.
The author of the text: Celeste Mitchell. Перевод: редакция сайта http://australia-tour.info/
Extension: Австралийские малоисследованные места раскрывают свои секреты, ч2
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