Kakadu National Park: вы еще никогда не видели такую австралийскую глубинку!

2 Сентябрь, 2017


Spectacular landscape! Photo: Туризм Северных Территорий

First UAVS were allowed to fly this summer on Kakadu National Park and record on the video one of the most spectacular wonders of Australia. Here are our first impressions.

"Our eyes ran away from such stunning scenery. We've never encountered such an unusual, an ancient place with such a history. All the time we were surrounded by huge spaces and giant slopes, that stretched so far, as far as the eye could see.

We filmed every day from sunrise to sunset, trying to capture as many wealthy Australian depths. Morning was especially impressive. As soon as the sun rose over the horizon, Kakadu's wildlife came to life and was filled with pastel shades".

Cockatoo, just three hours from Darwin, is Australia's largest national park. Acting Cockatoo National Park Director Steve Wro said, that hardly a stunning video will leave potential visitors to the park indifferent.



"We are so excited to be a part of this project, The footage is incredible and shows our park at its best", – сказал он.

For more information, visit the northterritory.com

В начало статьи:A rare look at Kakadu National Park >>>


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