Glen Helen Gorge on the Finke River, Ч3

26 August, 2021


The farthest of the reservoirs, that we visited, only half an hour from Ormiston, the Glen Helen Gorge was also the quietest: we were the only ones there that day..

The entrance to the gorge was closed, so we stopped and walked along a winding 400-meter path to the water's edge.. There we were rewarded with a particularly breathtaking view.: ancient red rock, towering above the clear cool water below.



When the sun set in the outback, we didn't have to convince ourselves, to throw our belongings on a tiny patch of sand and jump right into the water.

Breathtaking Glen Helen Gorge. Photo: TOURISM NT / Mitchell Cox

We sailed quietly between two rocks., mesmerized by the view. It's also a great place to explore the local wildlife – home to a variety of fish and it's a critical stop for migratory waterfowl..

Cool, fixed fresh water - a wonderful antidote to the dry heat of the desert. Photo: TOURISM NT / Paddy Pallin

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