Great Bogan – emblem of the city in the State of new South Wales

10 Апрель, 2015


Боган Стрит. Visitors to the city Nigan, new South Wales would welcome statue «Great Bogan». Source: Getty Imadzhes.

In accordance with the traditional love of Australians to everything big, Nigan city on the Bogan River in New South Wales wants to erect a statue of «Great Bogan».

Ask any Australian, What is a Bogan and interpretations will vary.

For a tiny community Nigan, It's Stubby-shorts, the guy with the mullet fishing enthusiast, as well as the famous brand of laptop coolers "Eski".

The City Council wants to build the 3.6-meter-long iron Bogan, the symbol of the town, near the bridge over the river, that would have met the visitors of the town Nigan (Nyngan).

Residents of the city want Nigan, to and they had one of the most famous «large» symbols of Australia.

If the emblem is built, she joins such notable landmarks of new South Wales, as the big banana at Coffs Harbour, Large shrimp in Ballina and Big Merino at Goulburn.



Mayor of Bogan Shire, Donald Ray said, that the members of the community have tried to distance themselves from the label in the past, but now they have decided to accept it.

«The term (Bogan) There is in the Oxford Dictionary», He said in an interview with AAP. There was a proposal to depict the snakes near the feet of the statue, but Mr. Donald believes, that it may be redundant. «I personally don't think, that we should go on about such silly things, and those who offer us portray short stubby holder with a cigarette and several snakes around his feet», сказал он.

Большой Банан в Кофс Харбор, Австралия. We already have a big banana, and now maybe we will have a great Bogan.

«Main, It is simply to promote the fact, We're in a good small town, in which it would be appropriate for tourists to stay». The idea of moving the Bogan, as a way to attract tourists, proposed local Anglican servant Graham Macleod, Mr Donald. The statue will cost about $ 8000.

For Russian tourists, in view of the fact, that travel agencies on package tours to Australia cost starts from 1000 $ and comes to 8500 $ and above per person, the price for the statue «Large Bohan» It seems simply ridiculous, and all «cheese-a boron» around her and removed the eggs, isn't it?

However,, the City Council will conduct a survey of the views of the community, before you make a final decision.

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