Volgan "Valley Resort in the blue mountains in New South Wales was renamed into" one and only "

11 November, 2014


Restaurant at The Volgan Valley Resort and Spa in the Blue Mountains.

«Although we will no longer directly manipulate the resort, Emirates remain firmly committed to Australia, and we will continue to do our part to support tourism and our flights, linking Australia to major cities around the world, and we will sponsor key events and organizations, such as symphony orchestras and iconic events, such as the Emirates Melbourne Cup», posted by Mr. Tim Clarke, the President of the, the company "Emirates Airlines.

Volgan Valley is located between two of the most famous national parks in the blue mountains of Australia. It is included in the World Heritage list of territories and is a key place to explore and dive into the world of wild nature Australia, in its history and cultural heritage.

This region occupies 7000 acres, that is one percent of the country's environmental reserve and has environmentally ideal conditions, carbon neutral.

Новый взгляд на гламурный горный курорт Долина Вольган, Австралия.

Mountains and pool.



Central to the resort is the original farmhouse, which is on the UNESCO list at No. 1832, and it still is the heart of the resort and the Centre of all its activities.
The resort will continue to actively protect adjacent Wednesday and local species of wildlife, who is invited to discover and explore the resort.

Volgan caters to couples and families, so the resort was «Home» during the wedding of Michael Clark (former Captain of the Australian national team and world cricket player) and his wife Kylie – and focuses on "natural" activities, such as horse riding and mountain bikes, hiking, fishing by whip or walking in nature with local guides.

Свадьба Майкла Кларка и Кайли Болди в 2012 году на курорте Долина Вольган, штат Новый Южный Уэльс.

Michael Clarke and Kylie Baldy's wedding 2012 year at the Wolgan Valley Resort. Photo source: Twitter.

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