A new look at luxury resort in blue mountains

11 Ноябрь, 2014


Курорт "Долина Вольган и Спа" в Голубых горах. Новый Южный Уэльс.

Volgan Valley and Spa Resort / Wolgan Valley Resort & Spa" in the Blue Mountains in New South Wales renamed "One and Only Resort One & Only Resorts».

The one-and-a-hand brand takes the reins of the Volga Valley resort in the Blue Mountains, owned by Emirates Airlines.

Aviation and travel giant Emirates announced that, that she renamed her "One and Only" her luxury resort Wolgan Valley Resort & Spa in the Blue Mountains, located in the World Heritage list.

This will be the second such one and only resort in Australia, following the successful revival of One & Only on the island of Hayman in July this year.

Suite, with 4 baldahines at Wolgan Valley Resort & Spa.

Thus, starting next year, Australia will already have two resorts under the brand name One & Only – Heyman for sea lovers (and surfing) and Wolgan for the adherents of a luxurious holiday on earth.

The Group of companies "Emirates" will remain the sole owner of all property in the resort.

«Volgan Valley is a special place in Australia, » said Tim Clark, the President of the, the company "Emirates Airlines.



«List of awards, which the resort has received since its opening in 2009 year is endless».

«We are proud of all, what the resort has achieved, but now we feel, that the time has come to work with a partner, to increase the capacity and raise the Volgan resort to new heights.

«We are confident, that company Kerner International / Kerzner International, under the brand One & Only, is the perfect partner for Emirates Wolgan Valley Resort & Spa.

«They don't just have high standards of quality of service, that we always demand from our staff, but they also know innovative methods, and, Most importantly, they share our view on the overall positioning of the resort».

Mr. Clark also recalled the support, received in Australia, from the federal government to grassroots management, when they first started promoting their concept and started their activities in the Volgan Valley / Wolgan Valley.

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