Ошибка Google Maps приводит увлеченных туристов в никуда
7 October, 2017
Google редко ошибается, но когда технический гигант совершает ошибку, вы всегда можете рассчитывать на то, что она монументальна.
If you have ever been in the blue mountains in New South Wales, You probably know, why they are one of the biggest tourist destinations in the State.
Amidst the quaint town of Katoomba are towering , as the three sisters towers and endless hilly mountains, painted blue. They are beautiful and this place is definitely worth a visit.
But some tourists, blindly travelling for Google maps, in search of their intended destinations, were totally bewildered by the way.
As reported by one of the largest in Australia and New Zealand media company Fairfax / Fairfax , a glitch in Google maps ranked Centre Blue Mountains in a tiny cul-de-sac in Dargane, town, which is more than 30 kilometres south from the mountains.
Locals began noticing an influx of people back in 2015 году, а к 2016 году, when their maloljudnaja, silent Valley road proved to be literally flooded by tourists, local residents have resorted to extreme measures.
One of the residents decided to run even a signboard in front of his home, which States: The blue MOUNTAINS is not here (Google maps mistaken). You need to go in Katoomba / KATOOMBA or Bljekhels / Blackheath».
61-summer Karen Mclaughlin, living in this quiet cul de sac, says, what she sees, as summer cars arrived here literally every few minutes.
"I'm sorry, what they do hook 35 Kilometers, and then they have to go back again ", – Mclaughlin said in the interview SMH.
Another hilarious side effect from Google Maps – This is what the, that tourists want to go to the washroom.
Ms. Mclaughlin said, that the buses fairly frequently turn on her quiet street and tourists there is a knock at her door, asking to go to the toilet.
Despite that, the residents have sent numerous complaints to Google about errors, the media giant has long responded to their requests and only after, as reported by the MEDIA, the bug was fixed.
Now if the tourists are looking for Blue Mountains, pointer in Google-kakrtah turns out to be in the middle of the National Park, A what, I hope so, There will be no promote sightseeing lovers look for Center of this pointer.
The author of the text: Natalie Wolfe. Перевод: website http://australia-tour.info/
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