Rox and Sekuular Kuei

24 February, 2020


In 1788 the year was announced a new British colony – New South Wales. Sydney Harbour has become a central point, where ships arrived with much-needed food "from home". Crowds are still gathering here, during national or public celebrations. Sekuular Kuei and Rox District – New Year's Eve celebrations. The site of the Sekular Quay is often referred to as "Australia's birthplace.

Sekular-Kuei was a gathering place for huge masses of people, As in 1994 G., when Sydney was declared a city, in which the Olympic Games are to be held 2000 G. The Rocks District gives visitors a glimpse into the city's past, evaluate, how great is the difference between the present day and that, which was less than 100 years ago, when many of the local inhabitants lived in the slums, infested with rats, and when gangs of criminals ruled the streets. The Rocks is part of a colourful journey from Sydney Harbour to the spectacular Sydney Opera House.

Security Quay – The best stop for ferries and trains. Sydney sightseeing and bus routes regularly arrive in the Rocks area, while most bus routes pass through the city in the direction of Securities Quay.

The region has played an important role in Sydney's development. В 1788 year of those, who came here with the First Flotilla, under the leadership of Governor Phillip, temporary buildings were erected here, используя на тяжелых работах заключенных, to build stronger buildings. Аргайл Кат (Argyle Cut) – road, cut through a massive rock. To complete this work, it took 18 Years. They began to cut it in 1843 Year. В 1900 The Rocks area was flooded. This street, now known as the SInz Canal, used to be called a sewage canal (Sewer’s Canal). Here you can see architectural monuments from the time of the first colonists. The "Hero of Waterloo" tunnel under the pub was originally used by smugglers.



The first structure on the site of the Sydney Observatory was a windmill. The current museum preserves some of the first astronomical instruments, brought to Australia.

The columns of the Garrison Church are decorated with the insignia of the British troops, who stood here until 1870 year. Australia's first prime minister studied next door to this church.

The austere façade of the Museum of Modern Art located here, as if deliberately contradicting the avant-garde nature of the artists' works, exhibited here.

Walking path along Secure Quay, is the western side of the coastline.

Rocks Market (The Rocks Market) Every weekend is a real human anthill. You can buy anything here, all the way to jewelry, depicting Australian symbols: from the leaves of the gum tree to the koala.

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