Секретные кемпинги Австралии

7 Май, 2015


Secret Bay looks pretty cool. Photo: Paul Arps. Source: Flickr.

You can split their camp under the stars or beat a pillow over inflatable double bed, but, Nevertheless,, You should enjoy. Skajskaner has released a guide that provides 10 some of the best «secret» Camping in Australia.

1. Mystery Bay (Secret Bay), near Naruma (Narooma), New South Wales

Camping under trees, but with easy access to shops and places for Naruma-why would you not go there! On the coast of the Gulf of Secret (Mystery Bay) There are many campsites, You can start a fire here, and what's more you can even bring your dog. This is a good place for families, because kids can ride bikes on the territory of the camp and surrounding area. Camping frames a pair of beautiful beaches, which are suitable both for good fishing, and bathing, within reasonable limits.

Secret Bay - It is also an excellent place for fishing. Photo: Asd Armstrong Source: Flickr.

2. Cockatoo Island, Sydney, New South Wales



Despite that, that this place is in the territory of Sydney, Nevertheless,, Kakadu on the island you'll feel far away from the noisy city, because it is located in the heart of Marina. You can rent inflatable bed and put up a tent near the banks of the campsite or the ground, especially for this prescribed. There are even family "glempingovye» tents. In the camping there is a kitchen with a few BBQ facilities, hot water, microwave and refrigerator. You can bring food with you or buy packages for barbecue on site, and can be enjoyed in the Café. Если хотите, You can also bring your own tent or awning.

To be continued >>

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