Holiday in Sydney

15 May, 2019


Soon the summer, and many are thinking about vacation, more precisely, where his conduct. This article will be discussed about one such cities. This Is Sydney, Australia.

History of Sydney and area, in which it is, goes back for thousands of years. We pay attention only to a small part of the story, during which appeared this city. In the late 18th century, James Cook along with his expedition became the first Europeans, who landed on this site. And, If you missed the story, The 26 января 1788 a British colony, was founded. After 1 января 1901 the year the city began consJanuarythe main attractions, and, to 1932 Year, was the main harbour bridge. Later the Sydney Opera House, and later, and Sydney Tower.
Sydney, as one of its founders, is "the most beautiful harbour in the world». It is topped with lots of beautiful beaches and wonderful climate.

A hallmark of the Sydney Opera House is (Sydney Opera House)



Sydney literally split into quarters, where each your pace of life. К примеру, District, where are the Opera House and the Sydney Tower, called business quarter CBD (Our Central District). The entire quarter built tall high-rise buildings, in each of them to be one of the Office of Australian firms. But, Despite this, here you can relax. К примеру, nearby are the Royal Botanic Garden, where you can feed the birds, walk on the grass and even climb trees. And the city's Hyde Park, which literally, immersed in greenery. Also, There is a beach on Sydney Bay, which For examplel view of the Opera House, port and Harbour Bridge.

Just west of the business quarter, be the most popular among tourists area, Rocks. This quarter is teeming with greenery and pedestrian paths. By the way here begins the Harbour Bridge Bridge. Despite that, that next business quarter with luxury high rises, Rocks littered with low-rise buildings, in which, one after the other, are the hotel, the bar, the shop. One of the attractions is the first settlers monument Roksa-"FirstImpressions», which depicts the three categories the first people: free people, katorzhane and soldiers.

In the western part of the district be quarter Darling Harbour. There are many interesting places, such as the large Sydney Aquarium, in which many different fishes, corals and plants; ship, hosts information about the Olympics; a huge shopping mall. But you can also go on many rail railway, where for 15 mines will have to pay only 2,5$.

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