
Большой Барьерный риф в Австралии назвали лучшим местом в мире для посещения


The best place on Earth? The great barrier reef is ranked No. 1 among the best places in the world to visit. Photo: Stewart, Ireland



В столь сложный для Большого Барьерного рифа момент, When he was going through tough times, the world's largest living organism was voted the best place in the world to visit influential tourist site from United States. Read the rest of this entry »

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Billionaire plans to open themed Jurassic Park on the Gold Coast

According to one of the artists, the proposed thematic Jurassic Park should be like this fit into the nature of Cairns

The President of the Northern Chamber of Commerce Gary Mays said, that the project will bring «amazing profits» around the city of Cairns. Read the rest of this entry »

The ambitious plan of the Chinese billionaire in Australia

Billionaire Wang Jian Lin. Photo: Tomohiro Ohsumi / Bloomberg.

Remember shots from the movie-thriller "Jurassic world?». So, Here is the richest man in China is going to implement the wildly ambitious plan for Australia. Read the rest of this entry »

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