Whether the town of 1770, one of the main secrets of Australia?

6 Май, 2015


City emblem 1770 installed to celebrate the recognition of its value, as the birthplace of Queensland.

Perhaps this is the best of the remaining secrets of Australia. This tiny coastal town is a milestone in history and is one of the most bizarre titles, that we have ever heard.

Today 1770 is a territory with amazing wildlife, at the mouth of the rivers, coastal tropical forests and national parks. It is famous for its breathtaking sunsets, and is one of the few places in Queensland, where you can watch the sunset over the water.

The most popular sports here are such, as surfing, fishing and boating, away from the crowds, It is also the starting point for the great barrier reef.

Famous Lighthouse Bustard Head, named in honour of the opening of the Bay's coast by Captain Cook.



Other hidden gems of these places include Cape Round Hill, where you can see the anchor from the ship «Earl Russell», that crashed in 1873 Year, as well as secluded beaches in the nearby national parks Dipvota and Jurimbula. In the period from November to January you can see turtles, who come ashore and lay their eggs or swim among the brightly colored tropical fish.

In 120 km to the North is the city of Bundaberg, which can now be reached by road.
Known as «Birthplace Of Queensland», Monument to Captain Cook is located on aptly nazvanom Route of Captain Cook, and he is probably one of the best pearls of Australia.

Beautiful sunsets over the water on the shore 1770. Photo: rewindyourtime. Source: Flickr.

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