10 лучших автомобильных маршрутов по Австралии, Part 3: Остров Кенгуру, Шоссе Наследия, Alpine Way

27 Ноябрь, 2014


Дороги на Острове Кенгуру, штат Южная Австралия.

7. Остров Кенгуру, State of South Australia

Take your car rental on the island or come on your own on the ferry "Sealink" from Adelaide. About the island 1600 km of roads, and there are a few interesting road routes. Don't miss the chance to look at the wind-sculpted rock formations and stroll along the colony of fur seals. Only at the Flinders Chase National Park you can find dozens of koalas hanging on trees, While In the city you can see little penguins, returned for the night in burrows, located next to the beach.

5. Шоссе Наследия, Tasmania



Типичный сельский пейзаж. Шоссе Наследия, штат Тасмания.

This historic road between Hobart and Lonsestonom was built in the early 1800 's gangsters convicted-ies, and was once a famous place, which hosted the robbers. Why is it worth traveling here now? Around the beautiful rural landscapes, many beautiful villages, with houses, built of stone, and you can escape from civilization and retire in any old cottage, where you will be offered a tasty local food.

6. Alpine Way, New South Wales

Head of Dzhindabajn, in the mountains in the direction of Korrijon in Victoria and for some you can see stunning Alpine scenery. You will pass through the Kosciuszko National Park and can camp among kangaroos and Wombats, on the shore of the river of Snow. When the snow melted here in late spring, You can hurtle down a mountain bike, or explore the eucalyptus forests, growing on slopes, along Alpine hiking route.

Национальный парк Костюшко, штат Новый Южный Уэльс.

Try researching alpine slopes of Kosciuszko National Park.

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