Adelaide: Музеи, галереи и много зелени, ч4

28 March, 2017


Многочисленные парки идеально подходят для пикников или романтических поездок на выходные.

6. Greenhouses, Opal and Art art!

Of course, in every city it is worth visiting art museums and galleries. However, in this context, Adelaide is a very special city, There are three types of decorative and applied art, that you won't find anywhere else on the continent.

Adelaide is the main center of trade, the Australian Opal, There is a mass of stalls and kiosks, You can choose any number of art and jewelry with inclusions of these stones.



In addition you will find old in Adelaide, huge greenhouses near the Botanic Garden (which is also a must-see, Although it is not written anywhere here, because there is nothing there, that you very much surprised). These greenhouses are the largest in the southern hemisphere and, absolutely, worth a look.

And, Finally, Here is an unbeatable collection of Aboriginal art, also worth at least a look, even if you're particularly passionate about this kind of products.

7. Green space

Could be, because it is a bit on the outskirts in the wilderness, Metropolitan Adelaide feels much more open, than cities such as Sydney, located on the East Coast. Broad Street, many of which are near places with typical rural scenery, and large parks and gardens are almost as numerous, as places with residential buildings. As a result, formed long, luxury lines review and stunning views of the sky, that seems a huge. All this makes your visit a certain ease and just the right mood, having to explore all the charms of this city.

Previous part: Adelaide – самый недооцененный город Австралии: Гленелг Бич, ч2
Adelaide: Остров Кенгуру и Роща Кораблекрушений,ч3
Start: The most underrated city Australia

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