Австралийский ядерный полигон станет туристическим центром, Part 2

7 November, 2014


Local high school students examine objects former defence system. Photo: Dylan Coker. Source: The Australian News Corporation.

While the land was officially transferred back to its traditional owners back in 2009 Year, access to it was limited, because she was part of the defence system of polygons Australia.

The removal of all restrictions opens access to use this land for tourism, the Minister for Indigenous Affairs Nigel Skullion.

The representative of the Maralinga Tjarutja, Richard Preece said, that indigenous owners will conduct tours of the territory, with visitors, able to explore the former areas of testing.

«We are going to create a bus tours, when accompanied by Robin (local watchman), who is a walking encyclopedia on Maralinga», said in an interview with Preece Australian Broadcasting Corporation.



He added,, that area still has some residual contamination, but visitors are expected to drive, only on secure sites, accompanied by conductors.

«Most of the buildings were taken from here, but some are still there, and there's a huge runway», сказал он.

«There's certainly a lot of concrete slabs, but this is actually very interesting, where you can actually see, where all trials were held».

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