Отдых в кемпинге в Тасмании: Порт Артур, Рынки Саламанки, Где найти кемпинг для автофургона, ч.3.2

13 Февраль, 2016


Пират Бей, Тасмания.

Pirate Bay.

Tip of the day: On the way to Port Arthur in Jastrebinogo area of the isthmus / Iglhok Neck,   is a twist on   Pirate Bay,  with a magnificent view on the Cape of the Pirate Bay. The place is just epic! And it is best to go to the renovated coffee shop, recreated on the way of the old route. You will have fun in the square and even the cube: comfortably ensconced on the carpet with pillows and watching through a telescope, visitors can fully enjoy the views.

Board surfers: ask the guy at the gas station in Nubina, is Shipsterns Bluff open at Cape Rudder. Perhaps the most notorious wave in Australia, but in any case, worth a check. When we were there, the Cape was closed, two days later it was opened, but, unfortunately, us there was not …

Salamanca Market

Рынок Саламанка, Хобарт, Тасмания.

View of the Salamanca market in Hobart and snow-capped mountains of Wellington in the background.

The market is held every Saturday and is kind of a hallmark of Hobart. Great food, coffee and manufactured products and goods in Tasmania, There is everything from chopping boards of huanskoj pines to rugs from alpaca wool.

Monetary Advice: Hint – ATMs close very early. It's unbelievable, but we ran out of cash twice and couldn't withdraw it from ATMs..



Culinary advice: Visit the Sushi Train at Franklin Warf. The food was very nice and it was probably the best place for children, and the toilets were «as the present train».

Где найти кемпинг для автофургона

We are, It's possible, could embark on parking anywhere in the city at night (on Tasmane with all good campsites), but we chose the BIG4 Holiday Park Discovery under Hobart. Why not in the city? To get a bonus in the form of lack of city lights and so were able to enjoy a night of spectacular stellar show. The campsite also offers catering and keyed in bathrooms.

For details, see.: big4.com.au/caravan-parks/tas/hobart-surrounds/discovery-holiday-park-hobart

Start: Introductory part and Начало путешествия, тематический парк развлечений Tasmazia, Part 2 >>
Previous part: Hobart, Мона, Круиз вокруг Тасмании, Порт Артур, ч.3.1 >>
Extension: Восточное Побережье, Колес Бей, Национальный Парк Фрейсине, Part 4 >>

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