Почему ходьба является лучшим способом отдыха, Part 3
30 March, 2015
Возвращение с берега на яхту после долгого дня ходьбы.
Privacy and identity
There is no better way, to immerse yourself in the breathtaking scenery of Tasmania, than to visit off the beaten path. You will see the, that you would never see. The magnificent nature and fascinating history of The Isle of Mary is a perfect example. Without any restrictions and boundaries, you can explore the natural wildlife sanctuary and historical ruins on some retreat from the shore, wide bays, picturesque cliffs and hear a lot of interesting stories from guides at leisure. You will get as close a union with wildlife as possible, see a large number of real live wombats and feel, that you really are in the heart of the historical landscape.
Walking on the magnificent coast of Weinglass Bay, recognized as one of the top ten beaches in the world.
Feeling like victory
Standing on top of Mount Graham, overlooking Weingles Bay, I experienced one of the best feelings I've ever experienced, and I felt, that I did one of the most important things, that I've ever done. Doing 18 km hike, I never thought, that I'm capable of it, but there's nothing better, than the feeling of conquering the top.
Peace and quiet
When you constantly see amazing, The surrounding landscapes, calmness makes you completely relax and promotes rejuvenation. It's nothing but, how to unite with nature. Points, where mobile communication works here sometimes so little, and they're so far apart, how I felt, that I'm really completely disconnected from the outside world.
Welcome table with champagne and cheese after climbing Bear Mountain, on The Island of Schuten.
Tasmania is a paradise for walkers, and takes 20 percent on the World Cultural Heritage list. 17 national parks, thousands of miles of routes, From beginner walks to truly epic adventures. Tasmania's Vokin Company also offers walks along Fair Bay and Credl Mountain. So tie the strap on the hiking boots, Move one foot in front of the other and start exploring Tasmania!
Such photos can be taken at every turn.
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