Tasmania was included in a list of Lonely Planet as one of the top ten places in the world 2015 Year

21 October, 2014


Роскошные лоджи Saffire Freycinet в Тасмании.

Best deals ... Luxury lodges Saffire Freycinet on marine Frejsinet are the oyster Farm on the East coast of Tasmania.

Authoritative Edition for travelers "Lonely Planet / Lonely Planet Tasmania called as one of the world's leading regions, within the first ten, to visit in 2015 Year.
The island nation ranks fourth in the list after the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey, Rocky Mountain National Park in the United States and Toledo, Belize.

Next on the list after Tasmania go North Norway, Khumbu in Nepal in sixth place, Mexican Copper Canyon on the seventh, and Flores in Indonesia at the eighth.

Флорес в Индонезии.

Number eight: Flores in Indonesia. Photo: Thinkstock.

The Atacama desert in Chile and the city of Macau S.A.R. China rounded out the top ten.

Пустыня Атакама, Чили.

Number nine: Atacama desert, about 1500 kilometres north from Santiago, Chile.

Макао, Китай.

The popular city of Macau S.A.R. China. Photo: Brent Lewin / Bloomberg.



Chris Zajher of the "Lonely Planet", that the recommendations were made after researching hundreds of ideas, submitted by staff, the authors of the, travelers, bloggers and derived from tweeter.
Our group travel experts then and made this list, based on the relevance, own emotions, significance and a special x-factor», сказал он.

«Modern Tasmania is fresh, trendy and inclusive direction for travel, illuminated with brilliant revival of it now and stunning waterfront Hobart, the capital of the island-State», Mr Zajher.

Страхан Вилладж / Strahan Village в Тасмании.

Scenic views ... Strahan Village in Tasmania. Photo: Tourism Tasmania.

Another reason to include Tasmania in list, was the fact, that next year there will be opening of the second phase of the walking route along the coast of Australia, entitled "Track Three Cape / Three Capes Track».

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