All to Tasmania!
16 January, 2020
When it's time to choose a place to stay, it's not superfluous to remember Tasmania. 240 kilometres south of Australia is a snug corner of paradise - a beautiful island. On the east side it is washed by the waters of the Tasman Sea, and with the Western Indian Ocean. The whole territory has 70 Kilometers, and you can see it all in a week or two..
Botanists and Greenpeace will be delighted! The whole island is "filled" with green light: Pine, eucalyptus, cypress forests; rare species of mech, Southern Beech, Lichens, Apple trees, grapes and more. Tasmania boasts a huge number of orchid species. There are more than eighty of them!
Continuing the theme of nature, not superfluous will mention, that there are parks on the island, Protected by the State. There are rainforests with amazing beauty of nature, fresh air, wonderful trees, magnificent waterfalls. Besides, tourists come here not only for the sake of flora. Fauna is also striking in its diversity: koalas, Dog dingo, echidnas, platypus, Mars at marsupial wolf and other exotic species. And what to say about the Tasmanian devil, who by his character and cry is able to frighten the army!
Another fascinating moment is the seasons. They are somewhat different from traditional. In our normal summer months in Tasmania comes winter (Temperature no higher than ten degrees). And from December to February the sun shines, everything blooms and transforms. Air temperature - up to 20 degrees.
Tourism is well developed in this territory. All conditions have been created for rest. Huge selection of apartments, hotels and churches. There are expensive, medium and cost-effective options. Besides, there's a company, who specialize in car rental. You can take the car off., and move around on your own. Some cities even offer to take down a helicopter, to enjoy the beauty of the "above".
Infrastructure is a shopping mall, Restaurants, souvenir shops, shops, etc.. On Sunday, all this splendor is sure to be closed.
Bright sights
City of Hobart
You can see the old streets here, expensive mansions and modest houses, Art Gallery, Museum of Tasmania, Royal Theatre.
Light entertainment lovers will want to visit distilleries and breweries. Here you can not only learn about the history and production, but also to taste the goods.
How not to remember women's favorite pastime! Buy it all, anything you want on the market, In shopping malls, and souvenir shops. The island's artisans make a lot of beautiful things. Clothing, sewn with your own hands, crafts and sculptures made of wood.
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