Top 10 best tourist places of Australian version of Trip Adviser, ч2

18 Апрель, 2019


City, located to the North of Sydney, is the gateway to the world-famous Grape Valley region. Photo: Trip Adviser

"Paradise for wine connoisseurs, Cessnok, has more than 100 wineries in their area of. The region is attractive chic Cafe, gourmet restaurants, Boutique accommodations and world-class golf courses.

Families can also enjoy the Zoo Hunter Valley and Verakata National Park».

But, Certainly, He does not have such advantages as the Sydney, that for the third consecutive year, ranked first in the list of Trip Adviser.

"Third victory Sydney, with its picturesque beaches, rich culture, Café and iconic landmarks says that, how much he love among Australians and the global community of travelers», – said Janice Lee Fang, Communications Director Trip Adviser in the Asia-Pacific region.

Irresistible port city of Sydney heads the list for the third year in a row. Photo: Tripadvisor

She suggested that travelers consider visiting Harbor City outside peak season attendance, When they can save up to 25 per cent on flights and accommodation.

We recommend visiting during off-peak seasons, When travelers can use Trip Adviser, to explore Sydney at a great price, but with fewer people, – she said.

According to the version of the Trip Adviser in the category "choice of travelers» 10 the best places in the world list headed by London.
And neither the Australian city did not hit these top 10, a favorite of Australians Bali Island ranked it fifth place.

10 best tourist destinations in the world

1. Лондон, United Kingdom

2. Paris, France

3. Rome, Italy

4. Crete, Greece

5. Bali, Indonesia



6. Phuket, Thailand

7. Barcelona, Spain

8. Istanbul, Turkey

9. Marrakech, Марокко

10. Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Photo: London was named the best place in the world in the category "choice of travelers».

10 top travel destinations in Australia:

1. Sydney, New South Wales

2. Gold Coast, Квинсленд

3. Melbourne, Victoria

4. Brisben, Квинсленд

5. Hobart, Tasmania

6. Cessnock, New South Wales

7. Port Douglas, Квинсленд

8. Perth, Western Australia

9. Adelaide, South Australia

В начало статьи: Trip Adviser named best places of Australia in the category choice travelers.

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