Lucky Bay, Western Australia, ch9

18 March, 2018


One of the best beaches of the country – Lucky Bay, Western Australia. Photo: Sean Scott

WHY: For comfortable navigation, recreation and fishing without the crowds of tourists is hard to find, anything better, than Lucky Bay / Lucky Bay, located in the Cape Le Grand National Park in Western Australia, says Director on strategic directions, brand marketing and marketing services company Tourism in Western Australia, Louise Scott.

Lucky Bay – one of the most stunning beaches on the coast of Western Australia ", – She says. "He is considered one of the best beaches of the country primarily because of its pure white sand, pure turquoise water and ideal conditions for bathing. And the ability to easily communicate with the local population of Kangaroo right on the beach makes it even more memorable ".



Tip of the day: To get the most out of the surf and sand, Louise advises organize their camp near. Caravan and camping offer such a unique and ideal place, where you can be photographed directly overlooking the Bay», – She says.

As an added bonus from July to October, here you can see Migrating whales.

Next: Coral Bay, Western Australia, ch10
В начало статьи: Where to find the best beaches in Australia
Previous part: Port Noarlunga Beach, South Australia, ch8

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