Маленький пляж в Олбани является удивительным местом, about which few people know

17 Май, 2014


Little paradise Beach in Albany. Photo: Kate Schneider.

Это Вануату, Бора-Бора, Фиджи, Мальдивы?
No, This place is not there.

One of the most beautiful beaches in the world are right here, Australia. And I don't mean Bondi.

Take a look at this place, This is, It's possible, the best beach in the world, and this place is very well kept secret. It is the small Beach.



Never heard of this place? Me too, until recently,. It is located in the national reserve of two peoples Bay next to the Albany is a city in a secluded place on the South coast of Western Australia, which is home to some amazing hidden gems.

An impressive spectacle, isn't there a. ... Photo: Kate Schneider.

«Why you went there?» I asked this question, meeting people, worn in those places, where I planned my future trip to Western Australia, to celebrate our wedding anniversary with my husband.

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