‘Western Australia’

Как проехать из Брума в Кунунурра за шесть или 14 Days


Ущелье Гейки и река Фицрой.

Amazing Geikie Gorge and the river Fitzroy. Photo: Tourism in Western Australia



What would you have chosen is a relatively easy route, in the form of an amazing trip to Western Australia for six days or you choose for yourself 14-day adventure, available only from April to November? Read the rest of this entry »

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25 основных вещей, которые следует знать о Перте и Западной Австралии, Part 3

Вака / WACA.

Waka / WACA.

17) Any resident of Western Australia certainly knows, What is WAKA / WACA (Zapadnoavstralijskaja Cricket Association in Perth). Read the rest of this entry »

That you even know about Perth, In addition to, What is live 2 Million. man and, that it is the birthplace of Quokka-football, Part 2

Квокка, или Короткохвостый кенгуру. Ареал распространения: острова и несколько изолированных континентальных участков в Западной Австралии.

How can someone play soccer-Quokka? Unfortunately, they can. Photo: gwiltypleasure / Via instagram.

3) If you are not from Western Australia, you from somewhere «in the East» ("over east»).

4) Beer in the bars of Western Australia has always served only in containers of two types: pint (570 ml) or half pints (middie). Read the rest of this entry »

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