Путешествие по Гибб Ривер Роуд на авто: Сафари к водопаду Ущелья Эмма, Part 4

17 October, 2016


Кебл Бич, Западная Австралия.

Keble Beach / Cable Beach proved to be an excellent place to stop. Photo: Leah Mclennan

The next day we got up early, to make the tour and learn about the history and nature of the surrounding places. Our guide was Winnie, We met with her in the car, provided by the tour company for Safari, and that would be quite pertinent even in Africa.

On the way from the hotel to the acclaimed Wildlife Park, we learn about the characters, who once lived on the breeding station and, as well as the use of Kapok seeds (good for stuffing pillows), Scarlet comedy (good for making didgeridoo) and spiral Palms (ideal for those, who wants to weave baskets).

But, unfortunately, We have no time to check the words of Winnie and get acquainted with the art of weaving baskets, We need to go to the next item on the   travel.

Emma Gorge resort is located in 25 km from El Kujesto and is still part of it, It is located in difficult areas of Cockburn Rendzhs.

We stop for the night at glempinge, in one of the tented cabins, with a nice set of amenities, such as a swimming pool, restaurant and lush gardens, the surrounding location.

The next morning, before the birds got a chance to awaken us, We were about to make a one-hour walk to the waterfall Gorge Emma, often referred to as the most famous and the most spectacular spot in Kimberly.

Виндхем, Западная Австралия.

Incredible views of the Windham. Photo: Leah Mclennan

The 20-minute walk our two children stopped and pljuhajutsja for priests, refusing to move on.

«We will never give up»,   tell them I, trying to get into the role of a personal trainer Michelle Bridges.

However, After five minutes of such conduct one of them I give up.



We go back and the restaurant, absorbing the delicious Eggs Benedict, I ask the waitress, what she thinks about Emma Gorge.

«It is one of the most beautiful places in the world», She says.

I sigh, It only remains for me to simply believe her word.


End: Следующая остановка – кемпинг в Ущелье Меннинг >>

Previous part: 

Место лучшее чем Великая Океанская Дорога, ч2 >>

Camping near Al Kujesto, ч3 >>

Start:  Why Gibb River Road is the best in Australia >>>

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