Hoptaun was resurrected after «Black Days»

10 December, 2014


Новая смотровая площадка на мысе является частью плана по обновлению за $ 40 млн.

The new observation deck at the Cape is part of a plan to update $ 40 Million.

$ 40 Million. investment to upgrade Fitzgerald Riva National Park gave Hoptown a new lease of life after, how his mine was closed.

City in Western Australia, to which came his «Black Day», When the local nickel mine was closed, again open for business after $ 40 Million. investments in the modernization of the National Park.

Hoptaut, located near the city of Ravenstorp, in 590 kilometres south-east of Perth, was put on knees, When more 600 workers were laid off following the closure of the mine in 2009 Year.

But this summer, at the official opening of the project to restore the magnificent Fitzgerald River National Park, County President Yang said Goldfinch, What began for residents «new era».

Новая инфраструктура в Барренс Бич.  Хоптаун, штат Западная Австралия.

New infrastructure in the Barrens Beach.

About 80 km of new roads, parking for camping, signage, picnic areas, specific platforms, parking and equipped hiking trails-all this was built for $ 40 Million. within the project of the joint State and federal funding.

«We now have everything perfectly and we really are open for business. This is the beginning of a new era», "Mr. Goldfinch.

«Nickel closure has become a big black stripe in the history of the Hoptauna / Hopetoun. It was really a disaster for us. For us come rainy day».



But after the visit of Mr Barnett County residents were invited to ask for funding, To do so, to make tourism, rather than mining, the central part of the local economy.

«He asked: » What you really want? ». And we said: «Make the park a gem in the crown of Ravenstorp-Hoptown», "Mr. Goldfinch.

«It took a while., and there was even some disappointment … but now we have something, what might be called a jewel».

Fitzgerald River National Park has more than 2000 types of flowers, stunning coastal and inland landscapes, mountains for climbing and River Gorge for their lovers to explore.

meanwhile, nickel mine reopened after, How was bought by Canadian company First Quantum.

Minister of the Government of Western Australia, Mr. Barnett identified to start $ 21 Million. for the upgrading of parks in the last year and for the, to create a better, cheap accommodation options for visitors to national parks in the State of.

Besides, Summer 2014 such popular MEDIA, as the Sunday Times and Perth Now within the PR company to attract Hotaun tourists, Parks photo contest announced for PEOPLE / PARKS FOR PEOPLE», in which the winner is selected each week for best picture, made in one of the national parks of the region.

Here is a photo of one of the winners of the week, Allan Copeland for his photograph, made in Karijini National Park / Karijini:

Национальный Парк Кариджини, Хоптаун, штат Западная Австралия.

Author photo by Allan Copeland.

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