Coral Sea Islands

12 Май, 2010




Территория островов Кораллового моря (Coral Sea Islands Territory)Территория островов Кораллового моря (Coral Sea Islands Territory) includes a group of small and mostly uninhabited tropical islands and reefs in the Coral Sea to the north-east of Квинсленда Australia.

The islands are located to the east and south of the Great Barrier Reef, include the Herald Island and Bacon, Osprey reef, Willis, a group of islands and fifteen other groups of reefs and the marine waters of the area ostrovov.Obschaya, occupied the islands - 780 Thd. км. The area of ​​land - less than 3 кмkm

The only inhabited island - an island of Willis. From the population only employees of the meteorological station, working in shifts.

In 1969 the islands were declared the territory of Australia. With 1982 goda Rify liho and Koringa, and with 1987 year - Elizabeth and Middleton reefs Sailor declared national reserves of Australia.

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