Tiwi Islands – incredible lost world right at our doorstep, Part 2

29 Сентябрь, 2015


Потрясающий вид острова Тиви.

Stunning views of the island.

This situation explains the importance of the need to avoid inbreeding, that is more than a real opportunity in small and isolated communities (as well as the Royal families – Giggles, our group).

Brothers and sisters in the Islands can play with each other, While they are children, but they are not allowed to communicate with each other after puberty. In the future, they may contact, only when their hair is gray.

See examples of the most interesting cultural works can be the local Tiwi painting, wooden carving, Wicker baskets and screen printing art centers of Bathurst.

Эти центры становятся все более важными для местных сообществ как способ помочь людям поддерживать себя и сохранять живыми традиционные формы искусства.

Prices vary from double figures to thousands of dollars, or you can simply observe the artists and talk with them about their work.

Pretty impressive views of the Tiwi Islands.



Jaws are wagging, a representative team of Michael Jackson at one time went to Melville Island, specially for, to buy some artworks by Aboriginal for a pop star.

Any way, whether you're on the Tiwi Islands, with the aim to get acquainted with the artistic side or simply with island life, you don't go away empty-handed.

Instead of the boomerang, or didgeridoo, you are a rare understanding of modern societies of indigenous peoples and why does it have a value.

Ferry to the Tiwi Islands.

Как добраться:
Daily flights company Qantas from Darwin, Sydney and Melbourne on Tiwi Islands, the flight lasts 25 Minutes, or two hours by ferry from Darwin.

Full day tour with the company, AAT Kings is from $ 250, excluding airline tickets.

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