Tiwi Islands – the forgotten, untouched paradise

17 Сентябрь, 2015


Острова Тиви.

This place becomes easily accessible. Author photo: Tiwi Islands Adventure (Facebook).

Tiwi Islands – This is the place, where a small handful of people, When it was closed to tourists. This means, that it is untouched by civilization, but now it has become very easy to get there.

Tiwi Islands why not boomerangs?

Because they never come back, unruffled says our guide, Tadeusz.

However, it is unlikely that divers will find a bunch of boomerangs, lying at the bottom of the sea, surrounding islands.

And all because, that Aboriginal, who live here last 7000 Years, never had the need to use boomerangs.
This is their lifestyle choice, and these are the cultural differences between mainland Australia and people, who live on Tv, only 90 kilometres from the coast of Darwin.

Despite that, Nowadays here is relatively easy to reach from Darwin, Here you will meet not so many people on the street.
Tiwi Islands population is approximately 2500 person, who basically live on Bathurst Island, Melville Island and several smaller, uninhabited islands.

Паром из Дарвина на Острова Тиви.

To visit the Tiwi Islands, you can use the easy one-day tours on the ferry from Darwin.

Our guide works at Nguiu Bathurst's, but his name Tadeusz rooted in times 12 of the Apostles and Catholic missionaries, who once lived and worked here.

At present, the island has only one Catholic nun, sister Anna.

Judging by the bright-red flag, razvevajushhemusja over her residence, Sister Anna is a staunch supporter of life on the island.

Mantawi Ferry, Tiwi Islands. Photo: Sealink



«A dream for many local boys is to go play football on the Mainland», says Tadeusz.

We will learn about all this, While our driver, Noel Roberts, maintains our public minibus on the Red dust, Bathurst Island dirt-road in the direction of the Church, lined with cream-colored siding.

Tadeusz proudly tells us that, the Church was used in the filming of the movie "Australia" a guy like Luhrmann has Base, with Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman starring, Although the film itself never received flattering accolades from locals.

Tiwi culture does not require Hollywood stories about her, because it has much more tradition of oral history.
It is a vital part of the indigenous Australian history, but we are not so often enter personal contact.

Visit this place, where lives a secluded community, even in the one-day tour is instructive experience opening the oldest culture in the world, and Australia were lucky to keep her.

The beautiful church of Tiwi Islands. Photo: Tourism Northern Territory.

English is the second language of communication here, along with the traditions of the Aboriginal way of life.

When we pass by the walls of the pandanus (spiral Palma) with drooping prickly leaves, Tadeusz tells us about the four skin types on the island, that define, for whom you may or may not get married.

The sun, pandanus, mullet, and Stone Ridge form the four corners of the diamond, and no one may marry another representative skin type, living near you.

Just relax! Photo source: Tiwi Islands (Facebook).

Author: Jacqueline Le Aap. Перевод: редакция сайта http://australia-tour.info/

To be continued >>

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