Наедине с Королем Тут в Египте
2 November, 2013
«So, simply you, I and Tutankhamun?» – I said his travel-guide Mate, when he left us alone with the most famous mummy in the world. I was not quite sure, should I be happy or scared at the prospect of spending some time alone with black, shriveled remains of.
We spent in a small tomb near 15 Minutes, watching with care the beautiful hieroglyphs and the restrained simplicity of this last resting place..
So why was I alone in the Valley of the Kings with Tutankhamun?? Since there were no other tourists, That, previously visited Egypt in large numbers and created unimaginable crowds.
I think, Egypt, no matter what., should still be on your travel list. I found it safe, extremely interesting and, Egyptian people shouted, that they need tourist dollars, to help them get back on track.
January events 2011 years were still too obvious in Cairo with graffiti on the streets, burned buildings, and taxi drivers giving you a brief description of the hot spots, to which you do not need to go.
There were still sporadic protests., but the opportunity to observe the change of the political and social landscape and view the moment in history in its development, made this trip even more interesting for me.
After spending a few days in the vicinity of the capital, and making trips to the pyramids, museums and ruins of Cairo, we went to Luxor, the resting place of the pharaohs, Valley of the Kings and Karnak Temple.
Not wanting to waste too much time for another night at the hotel, we got on the night train with sleeping places.
It is recommended to buy a ticket in advance in Giza at the railway station, from where the train with sleeping cars comes, so in the evening we finished our journey through the crazy, with the chaotic Cairo movement.
After a lengthy passport inspection and a long Arab conversation between a taxi driver and a clerk from the railway ticket office., in our hands, finally our tickets were at the price 58 $.
The platform was alarmingly quiet.. There were no signs, that we are in the right place, except for one random Canadian tourist in a crowd of Egyptians.
But just before 8 p.m., Japanese tour group appeared on the platform, Confirming, that we were in the right place.
This is also interesting: