
Review of Samsung Galaxy Tab Tablet S


Review of Samsung Galaxy Tab Tablet S: Quick, durable, easy to use and most likely, Apple nervously smokes on the sidelines.

Самсунг Galaxy Tab S

Samsung Expands its lineup of top models, the release in New York of the Galaxy Tab S so, to win planshetnuju war.

The first tablet computer, as we remember, appeared four years ago.



He weighed 730 G – about the same, how much does the average Bible, had the thickness 1.3 cm, and was quite suitable as a weapon.

New premium Tablet Samsung shows, how far advanced technology. Read the rest of this entry »

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A simple trick: How to speed up your phone

If you want to, Some applications to your Android-device worked faster, is there a simple way to do this.

Users of Android, do not be upset because, the speed of applications on the latest models in the models Apple IOS systems higher than theirs. There is a simple way to increase the speed of their mobile phones or tablets. Read the rest of this entry »

Покажи мне свой смартфон и я скажу кто ты!

Покажи мне свой смартфон и я скажу кто ты!

Новое исследование показывает, the nature and habits of the person can be determined by, What smartphone he himself chose.

Owners of Samsung phones like the new developments, iPhone users are often in international travel and like home entertainment, and the owners of HTC usually, less demanding.

This profiling people, which can be identified by their phone selection is the result of research, carried out by Telstra / Telstra produces the same brand phone, which examined 1300 people and their interests and hobbies.

According to a study:

● iPhone owners are active users of mobile phones. They are extroverts, they are in international travel, entertain yourself at home and enjoy beauty treatments ljukseri, such as facial masks, manicure or massage. They also love to play sports.

● Folk Owners brand Samsung, , are moderate users of smartphones. They are conscientious, pleasant and open communication and love new experiences. They love to work, but they also like to play video games.

● HTC Smartphone owners – less pleasant in communication people, than owners of Samsung or other smartphones. Often HTC buy men. As the users of Samsung, they love to play video games, but they have more «relaxed attitude» to work.

● People, who prefer a standard mobile phone, rather than the latest brand of Smartphone, also have a distinctive personality profile. They, Usually, the older generation, they don't come often from home, and they like gardening.

These market research may seem simple stereotypes, But Dr. Paul Harrison, Senior Lecturer in consumer behavior at the University of Melbourne's Deakin, said, that objects, that we choose, for purchase, or prefer not to buy, something to say about that, as we would like to, to be perceived by other people.

Harrison said, that research has shown, that his choice of Smartphone and the fact, what they choose Accessories for your phone, people express their individuality.

According to him, people, who bought the iPhone is not necessarily often travel internationally, but would definitely like to do it.


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