‘Festivals, festivals and exhibitions’

Harbour Bridge – One of the main attractions of Sydney


Мост Харбор-Бридж ( Harbour Bridge ) - The largest bridge Sydney and one of the largest steel arch bridge in the world, which is one of the main attractions of Sydney, New Year's Eve "spoke" to the 16 languages ​​of the world.



So the words "Welcome to Sydney" than the traditional English, with the help of laser technology is projected in Russian, Chinese, Greek, Arabic and language of the indigenous inhabitants of Australia – Aboriginal.

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Australian Academy of Film and Television Arts

In the city Sydney,столице штата New South Wales, based Australian Academy of Film and Television Arts (Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts, AACTA).President of the Australian Academy of Film and Television Arts has 60 years of Australian film and stage actor Geoffrey Rush (Geoffrey Rush).

Geoffrey Rush was born 6 July 1951 in the city of Toowoomba, staff Квинсленд, later moved to Brisbane. Geoffrey Rush was educated at the University of Queensland, where he studied art, and after graduation in 1970 he worked with the Queensland Theatre Company.

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Festival in the suburbs of Brisbane Ambiwerra Erinveyle

Фeстивaль Ambiwerra в пригoрoдe Брисбeнa ЭринвэйлeFestival Ambiwerra in Brisbene sochetaet in sebe topovuyu music and luchshie blyuda From restoranov Brisbena, to тaк жe eгo винныx зaвoдoв. Festival proydet in prigorode Brisbena Erinveyle 1 August.

Festival in individualnosti love vzroslym population of. Children under the age 5 and under the entrance to the festival is allowed only when accompanied by adults.

Ambiwerra - large glass goblet. It is given to all people, coming to the festival, To do so, that they should try the latest products wineries Plains Brisbane.

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