‘Культура и быт Австралии’

Famous people of Australia, whose life and working activity was associated with Australia




Each country has its own national heroes, that proud of all residents, because it is thanks to these people their State prospers and develops, constantly drawing the attention of the inhabitants of other regions of the world. Australia is no exception, Read the rest of this entry »

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This town was once recognized as the richest in the world.

You think, that you all know about the vast land called Australia? Think again. Australia is full of unusual facts, that can surprise you. Here's 12 things, you need to know. Read the rest of this entry »

Культура и быт Австралии

Monument To Charles La Trobe, Melbourne.

Australia's culture is in itself a certain hybrid of Aboriginal and European culture. In the period before World War I was a cultural crisis, representatives of art not found recognition in his homeland and emigrated to Europe. Read the rest of this entry »

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