How to avoid unnecessary costs when renting a car

27 November, 2013


Secret reef rental cars: a new scratch? Not exactly a full fuel tank? Driving only one way? Overpayment for a convenient location? Extra driver? We will talk about some of the most common methods of deceiving the consumer by rental offices and, how to avoid them.

Fuel thirst

Most rental companies offer options for renting a car with a full tank, and if you return it with an incomplete tank, they offer to tuck it over you.

But it's much better for you to get it back with a full tank..
If you buy it with a full tank, then you don't get a plus for something, that the fuel remains, when you return it, and your money goes straight to the car rental company. And if they fill it out for you, they will often charge you a much larger amount for convenience, than if they filled up the full tank themselves at the gas station.



Solution: just fill the tank, before you return the car, and just make sure, that there's a gas station nearby. And be sure to keep your receipts in case, there will be a need to prove, that you were already refueling the car before returning.

Premium for location convenience

If you rent a car at the airport, that's very likely, that you will pay extra for a profitable location rolling "rent-a-car / ren-a-car" office.

Solution: Look for rental in the area, so you often will be able to significantly reduce your costs of rent in the same company, but located in the suburbs or in the city centre. Simply sitting on train or bus, you could save a ton of money. Of course, it is better to prepare in advance before the trip and to view a few nearby addresses of rentals and related prices on the Internet.

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