‘External uninhabited islands of Australia’

Coral Sea Islands




Территория островов Кораллового моря (Coral Sea Islands Territory)Территория островов Кораллового моря (Coral Sea Islands Territory) includes a group of small and mostly uninhabited tropical islands and reefs in the Coral Sea to the north-east of Квинсленда Australia.

The islands are located to the east and south of the Great Barrier Reef, include the Herald Island and Bacon, Osprey reef, Willis, a group of islands and fifteen other groups of reefs and the marine waters of the area ostrovov.Obschaya, occupied the islands - 780 Thd. км. The area of ​​land - less than 3 кмkm

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MacDonald Island

Остров Макдональд ( McDonald ) MacDonald Island ( McDonald ) - A little, rocky and the volcanic island of origin Australia. The island is bounded by steep cliffs and consists of two parts - the northern plateau and the southern steep hill Maxwell Hill, connected by a narrow isthmus.

People landed on the island only twice in history - in 1971 and 1980 gg.

Subantarctic climate - mild winters (+0,1 °C) and cold summer (+4,2 °C). Most da°Cof the year - windy and cloudy.

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Heard Island

Остров Херд (Heard)Heard Island (Heard) this is the only active volcano, while the highest point in the, Australian-owned. The island is the top of an underwater volcano Kerguelen Plateau and has a 43 kilometers in length and 21 kilometr v width. Around 80 % Heard the surface is covered with snow and ice, that shape the character of the coastline of the island.

Heard Island in 1947 Australia belongs to the year as part of Australian Antarctic Territory, but after the signing of the Convention by Australia to the Antarctic, Islands began to form a separate external territory. Resident population does not, but the island is visited by tourists (no landing) and scientific expeditions.

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