Автопробег по бездорожью: дешевый отпуск, о котором австралийцы забывают: Hotel Murray, ч4

8 November, 2017


Wild horses near the road Birdsvill.

Another thing, that is truly remarkable in that part of the world – This is a terrific game of light and color in the sunset. Sitting around a campfire and watching, how Kaleidoscope pastel colors is moved across the sky and gradually giving way to the blanket of stars – This is a truly impressive sight.

Кемпинг под звездами на станции Клейтон.

Camping under the stars at the Clayton station.

If you leave the Klejtonskuju station the next morning, You'll need to finish the journey on the highway and come to Murray by noon. And Murray hotel / Marree – facing dining stop, It's full of charm, and the local schnitzel is very good.

At Murray surprisingly slower pace of life. At Murray took care of Joe.


During lunch we had to meet with rescue DJ, who is imbued with the participation to our friend, and witnessed, How to master dog Bundy pursues EMU on main street.

And this also revealed the beauty of such a trip. Moments, like this, will stay with you forever – and you don't have to book a ticket or stand in line for hours, to test this.



Simone Mitchell traveled to avtomarshrutu Birdsvill (Birdsville Track) as a guest of the company Mazda.

Previous part:

Автопробег по бездорожью: дешевый отпуск, о котором австралийцы забывают: отель Мангеранни и станция Клейтон , ч3

Автопробег по бездорожью: дешевый отпуск, о котором австралийцы забывают: конная гонка Бирдсвилль, ч2

Start of article: Дешевый отдых, забытый австралийцами


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