10 лучших автомобильных маршрутов по Австралии, Part 2: Налларбор, Кингс Каньон
24 Ноябрь, 2014
3. Налларбор / Nullarbor, Western Australia
If you have a few extra days, the departing from the city of Sidana in South Australia to the West, in located at a distance of 2000 km Perth, You'll pass through wide expanses of almost treeless Nullarbor.
The place here is pretty dry and have a reputation for harsh environmental conditions, but it's, Of course, No desert. Forested hills gradually vypolazhivajutsja and turn into plateau, on which grow only perennial prickly shrubs bluebush of the genus Meirian. Crowds of kangaroos line up along the road, and giant eagles with a diamond-shaped tail patrol in the sky.
If you plan to leave the highway, you need all-wheel-drive Jeep, but otherwise it is just an ordinary trip over a long distance.
4. Kings Canyon to Uluru, State of Northern Territory
Dreaming about an unusual, seemingly unrealistic from the Red Earth and sky, large, than you could imagine? Тогда отправляйтесь по этому трех дневному автомобильному маршруту по шоссе Лассетера мимо большой красной скалы к захватывающему Королевскому Каньону. Note the wild camels along the route.
To extend the journey through the sparsely populated area, start in Alice Springs and head for the Central Red Path / Red Centre Way. You will need about five days, with stops to inspect historic cities and ancient monuments of Aboriginal rock art.
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