Из Брума в Кунунурра за 14 дней – Гиббс Ривер роуд (альтернативный маршрут), Part 4

4 November, 2015


Речная пристань Драйздейл

River Marina Drajzdejl

ДЕНЬ 7 – Дикий кемпинг Морнингтон – Гора Элизабет Стейшн

Stop at the lowest point of the Gorge Galvana, Manning Gorge or one of many other places stops on the way to mount Elizabeth Station. Enjoy the hospitality of a pioneering family villas and get acquainted with magnificent ponds. On the stone walls, You can find ponds surrounding the Aboriginal drawings.

ДЕНЬ 8 – Mount Elizabeth station River Marina Drajzdejl

Keep your path to River Marina Drajzdejl is the gateway to the Mitchell River National Park, Mitchell falls and Merten, the Mitchell river basins and King Edward, as well as many historical sites of indigenous culture. It is recommended that you take here two nights camping.

Day 9 – River Marina Drajzdejl

In the morning, take a charter flight over the coastal canyons of the Prince Regent River, around Mitchell Falls and fly along the scenic Kimberley Coastline. And in the afternoon, explore tropical forests and woodlands, the surrounding River Marina Drajzdejl.

ДЕНЬ 10 – River Marina Drajzdejl-Parking Home VALLEY

Go to the parking lot of the Home Valley. OASIS is situated at the foot of the impressive Ridge Coburn, parking offers a wide range of guided tours, events and properties.

ДЕНЬ 11-13 – Parking Home Valley – Wildlife Park El Kujesto

Journey to the Wildlife Park El Kujesto passes by a popular bathing area of Cockburn Website, at this point the river flows into the stunning Durak beautiful Pentecost River (Pentecost).
Spend a few days exploring the Park, visit the thermal ponds on Zebedee Springs or take a boat, take down the Gorge Chamberlain and try your luck at fishing for Barramundi.

ДЕНЬ 14 – Wildlife Park El Kujesto – Kununurra



Arriving in Kununurra enjoy the views of the city, built in the 1960-ies on the banks of the river Ord, to serve the growing needs of agriculture. Kununurra is the Northern gateway to the Kimberley region. In, you can stay in one of the many caravan parks.


Гиббс Ривер роуд

Советы путешественникам:

  • To travel on this route, You'll need four-wheel drive Jeep
  • Tell all, where you are going, before you go on a trip
  • Убедитесь, that your vehicle is well prepared for your trip
  • Убедитесь, you have a lot of water (recommended l water per adult, on the day) and food
  • Take stock, at least, three days more, than you expect to spend
  • You have, at least, one spare wheel?
  • Print detailed road maps, before heading to this path

Author: Brad Jelboroug, Translated: ред.сайта australia-tour.info/

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