We all threw, to live in a caravan, Ч2

9 Октябрь, 2018


На фото: Australian 4WD touring Caravan on the road early in the morning near Ecla, on the border of Western / South Australia. Markings on the road shows, that this runway.

Everyone thought, that they are crazy, when sold their house and hit the road. But now their weekly charges have become much less, than you were before. Married couple says, that their new life became much easier, and time, that you can spend with their children – priceless.

"It was such a savings for our family – much more, than work, and repay the loan for the House», – Zhakki said.

The entire caravan less, than the playroom in the House, which they sold. Photo: Michael Franchi

She said, that is often the school is the largest concern for people, considering such a trip, but for them it is not a problem. Their older 9-year old daughter Heidi started house training, and this year, she enrolled in distance education, and 4-year old son Weeks enrolled in e-Kindi / e-Kindy (distance learning school in Brisbane).



In between lessons, the family spends most of his time outdoors, on the beaches, outdoors and exploring all, that they find in their constantly changing back yard.

According to its original six-month plan, Dobnery intended to live off their savings and income from investment property. They were able to keep their costs low, using accommodation in caravan or free demonstration sites for camping, and recently settled by volunteers at the Camel Cup "at Uluru, that gives them an opportunity to rent cheap accommodation with great discounts.

Extension: We all threw and save thousands of dollars, Ч3

В начало статьи: "People thought, that we are crazy ": We left everything, to live in a caravan


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